Saturday, August 17, 2013


Bette Davis
Bette Davis, with eyes like hers you wouldn't think she had to fight so hard to prove her talent. After being refused admission to LeGallienne's Manhattan Civic Repertory she enrolled at John Murray Anderson's Dramatic School. Here she became the star pupil, which is no easy task when you are up against talent like Lucille Ball. After preforming in numerous plays she was hired on by Universal. Unfortunately when she arrived in Hollywood the studio rep left without her because he couldn't find anyone who looked like a movie star.
She had an up and down career and moved on to Warner Brothers where she won two Oscars. These two Oscars weren't enough for them to take her seriously. It wasn't until after she tried to break off her contract that they started giving her primary rolls. Her up and down ride continued on but not in vain. In 1977 she received the AIF's Life Achievement Award.
It's safe to say that Bette Davis, with her serious gaze, is a beautiful example of strength in character and style.
For more info click the link below.
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