Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Sofia Loren
"Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got and fifty percent what people think you've got."-Sophia Loren
Believe it or not, this beautiful swan started off more like the ugly duckling. In fact her wet nurse said Sophia was "the ugliest child I ever saw in my life." It wasn't until she turned 15 that her stick like figure was transformed. Her mother, who was a Gretta Garbo look alike, saw her potential and entered her into a beauty contest. She was crowned the Princess of the Sea. This started her acting and modeling career. In 1957 she stared in "The Pride and the Passion" with Cary Grant and Frank Sinatra. Cary Grant ended up professing his love for Sofia but she turned him down. Instead she married a man said to be twice her and half her height. They were married for 50 years until he passed away in 2007. They were able to find that mysterious balance between an acting career and a successful marriage. In 1961 she won the academy award for Best Lead Actress in "two Women." She was the first actress to win this award for a non-english-speaking language film.
Sophia Loren has always had a special place in her heart for her Italian heritage. Maybe that's her secret; to embrace who you are and to know how to work it!
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