Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Zelda Sayer Fitzgerald

Zelda Sayer Fitzgerald, the voice of the roaring 20's.
This wild child loved all forms of art: writing, painting, dancing, and attention. Driven by impulse she led a fast paced life. Married at 19, mother at 21, career woman at 22. She made a name for herself writing articles on life during the jazz age. Her work was published in The New York Tribune,  Scribner's Magazine, Metropolitan Magazine, and The New York Times.
Being a well know writer was not enough and at 27 she began to study ballet. Unfortunately she got her start too late and her dream of becoming a prima ballerina fell short. This realization was too much for this young whirl wind star and she found herself in and out of mental institutions. With a marriage falling to pieces and her dancing dreams dashed, she gave herself over to her writing and painting. While admitted at Highland Hospital in Ashville, North Carolina she published her first and only novel, "Save Me the Waltz".
She had many setbacks during her time but never lost her passion. Her artwork and stories leave her legacy as the voice of the roaring 20's.
To read more on Zelda Sayer Fitzgerald click the link below

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